========================= R1Admin(TM) for Tremulous ========================= R1Admin is part of R1CHs Tremulous modifications, available via SVN from svn://svn.quakedev.net/trem/. This document explains how to use them and what they do, and in particular the in-game admin system called R1Admin. Latest release: Build 14 (use \ver in client console to check version). Main Modifications ------------------ * In game admin system. * Unlimited IP bans. * Flexible username/password account system. * Fix for buildables falling through some parts of the map. * Fix 'sarge' bug. * Fix medistat anim bug. * Fix hovel multiple death bug. * Fix dretch exploit (thanks to Zashi). * Chat flood protection. * Prevent duplicate, empty or illegal color names. * Don't allow 'UnnamedPlayer' to join the game. * Spectator system rejigged, won't auto switch player and can follow any player even if they're in spawn queue. * 'reload' command refills ammo if near reactor/armory. * No building at all or deconstructing during SD. * Show teamkills and deconstructs of structures. * More verbose and useful server console info. * sv_minRate actually works. * Sudden Death, timelimit and unbalanced teams warning messages. * Switching teams if they are unbalanced will convert your credits. * g_inactivity timer won't kick people in spawn queue. New Server Cvars ---------------- g_connectWait (default 0). Number of seconds players have to wait before being able to join after a new map starts, helps prevent overflows of people who are still loading. g_maxPlayers (default 0). Maximum number of alien+human players. You can use this to allow people in spectator mode without worrying they will be wasting player slots. 0 means disabled. g_tkThreshold (default 0). Kick players who do this much teamdamage to structures. 0 means disabled. g_accountsFile (default empty). Filename for the user accounts to be written to. Must end in .dat, eg accounts.dat. Required for in-game admin system. File is not designed for human editing. g_bansFile (default empty). Filename for which IP bans are written to. This is required for the in-game admin system unless you want all bans to expire on a new map. Must end in .dat, eg bans.dat. Not designed for human editing. New Server Console Commands --------------------------- addaccount Add an in-game admin account. username and password must be no longer than 16 characters and are case sensitive. permissions is a bitmask of the permissions to give this admin, see table below: BAN 1 KICK 2 VIEW 4 MAP 16 MUTE 32 VETO 64 See client commands below for details of each permission. removeaccount Remove an in-game admin account. addip